- to adjourn off a meeting
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English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
adjourn — ► VERB 1) break off (a meeting) with the intention of resuming it later. 2) postpone (a resolution or sentence). DERIVATIVES adjournment noun. ORIGIN Old French ajorner, from a jorn nome to an appointed day … English terms dictionary
adjourn — v. 1 tr. a put off; postpone. b break off (a meeting, discussion, etc.) with the intention of resuming later. 2 intr. of persons at a meeting: a break off proceedings and disperse. b (foll. by to) transfer the meeting to another place. Etymology … Useful english dictionary
adjourn — [ə dʒə:n] verb 1》 break off (a meeting) with the intention of resuming it later. 2》 postpone (a resolution or sentence). Derivatives adjournment noun Origin ME (in the sense summon someone to appear on a particular day ): from OFr. ajorner, from… … English new terms dictionary
adjourn — ad·journ /ə jərn/ vt: to put off further proceedings of either indefinitely or until a later stated time: close formally adjourn ing the session vi: to suspend a session or meeting till another time or indefinitely: suspend formal business or… … Law dictionary
Adjourn — Ad*journ, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Adjourned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Adjourning}.] [OE. ajornen, OF. ajoiner, ajurner, F. ajourner; OF. a (L. ad) + jor, jur, jorn, F. jour, day, fr. L. diurnus belonging to the day, fr. dies day. Cf. {Journal}, {Journey}.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adjourn — [ə jʉrn′] vt. [ME ajournen < OFr ajourner < a jorn, at the (specified) day < a, at + jorn, day < L diurnum, by day < diurnus, daily < dies, day: see DEITY] to put off or suspend until a future time [to adjourn a meeting] vi. 1.… … English World dictionary
meeting — noun 1 when people come together to discuss/decide sth ADJECTIVE ▪ frequent, regular ▪ annual, biannual, biennial, daily, monthly, quarterly, weekly … Collocations dictionary
meeting — n. 1) to call, convene a meeting 2) to arrange, hold, organize a meeting 3) to chair, conduct, preside over a meeting 4) to adjourn; break up a meeting 5) to call off, cancel a meeting 6) a chance; clandestine, secret; closed; mass; open;… … Combinatory dictionary
adjourn — /əˈdʒɜn / (say uh jern) verb (t) 1. to suspend the meeting of (a public or private body) to a future time or to another place: adjourn the court. 2. to defer or postpone to a future meeting of the same body: the court adjourned consideration of… …
adjourn — /ajarn/ To put off; defer; recess; postpone. To postpone action of a convened court or legislative body until another time specified, or indefinitely; the latter being usually called to adjourn sine die. To suspend or recess during a meeting,… … Black's law dictionary
adjourn — /ajarn/ To put off; defer; recess; postpone. To postpone action of a convened court or legislative body until another time specified, or indefinitely; the latter being usually called to adjourn sine die. To suspend or recess during a meeting,… … Black's law dictionary